Herringbone » St. Patrick’s Day http://herringbone.fm Thu, 12 Mar 2020 10:43:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.1.29 Spotify Playlist: March Madness http://herringbone.fm/blog/2012/03/spotify-playlist-march-madness/ http://herringbone.fm/blog/2012/03/spotify-playlist-march-madness/#comments Sun, 11 Mar 2012 18:27:25 +0000 http://www.herringbone.fm/blog/?p=728 March is a busy month full of occasions and celebrations such as St. Paddy’s Day, International Women’s Day, basketball, and daylight saving time. It is also the first month of spring; it’s getting lighter and warmer. Spring represents renewal and what could be better than an orderly spring-cleaning? At Herringbone we’re not only scrubbing and dusting – we’re totally revamping this place. Look out for some major changes coming soon!

Until then, a sparkling Spotify playlist for you –March Madness– to enjoy whether you are tidying and organizing or outside enjoying the sunshine. What is your favorite spring activity?

 Happy listening!




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