Herringbone » Team http://herringbone.fm Thu, 12 Mar 2020 10:43:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.1.29 Herringbone is Expanding! http://herringbone.fm/blog/2011/08/herringbone-is-expanding/ http://herringbone.fm/blog/2011/08/herringbone-is-expanding/#comments Tue, 23 Aug 2011 08:36:12 +0000 http://www.herringbone.fm/blog/?p=81 Going from solo entrepreneur to a team of two is a significant step in the building of a business, and necessary in order to have the band-with to create on a larger scale.

Anna Sandgren, Herringbone

It is a true joy for me to introduce you to my first addition to the Herringbone team, Anna Sandgren, associate consultant. She is responsible for assisting with the development of innovative marketing strategies and campaigns to help our clients interact with their current customers and attract new ones via social media and other communications efforts. She excels at performing marketing research and identifying e-commerce best practices. You can read her full bio here.

It just so happens that she is a fellow Swede based in San Francisco, which helps in serving clients of the two markets.

Welcome and cheers for growth!

Johanna C. Nilsson

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