Herringbone » Valentine’s Day http://herringbone.fm Thu, 12 Mar 2020 10:43:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.1.29 Lovely Love Tunes – A New Spotify Playlist http://herringbone.fm/blog/2012/02/lovely-love-tunes-a-new-spotify-playlist/ http://herringbone.fm/blog/2012/02/lovely-love-tunes-a-new-spotify-playlist/#comments Fri, 10 Feb 2012 17:46:56 +0000 http://www.herringbone.fm/blog/?p=588 It’s time for that special day again that some yearn for and others dread – yes, I’m talking about Valentine’s Day. Like it or not, you can’t really avoid it. It’s hard to walk into a store (both online and offline) that doesn’t recognize Valentine’s Day. It might be marketers’ favorite time of the year, but also a terrific day for everybody else to show some extra appreciation to our loved ones. If you don’t want to go bananas at Tiffany’s a personal card or even a hug will show just as much affection and friendliness.

Here’s for you that needs to get into the right Valentine’s Day spririt, or for you who just want some sweet love tunes: A Valentine’s Day Spotify Playlist put together by the Herringbone team.

 Happy listening!




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