Herringbone » Website creation http://herringbone.fm Thu, 12 Mar 2020 10:43:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.1.29 Small Business Make Over http://herringbone.fm/blog/2014/01/small-business-make-over/ http://herringbone.fm/blog/2014/01/small-business-make-over/#comments Fri, 24 Jan 2014 05:11:02 +0000 http://herringbone.fm/?p=2600 Small Business Saturday  Makeover


The proposal was offered at Small Business Saturday. November 30, 2013. The American shopping holiday the Saturday after Thanksgiving focusing on the small local businesses, run by moms and pops in our neighborhoods.

The School of Traditional and Medical Thai Massage, an excellent thai massage location around the corner, had gotten one of their original massage therapists as a new owner. She had already worked with two different “web designers”, and yet the presence that was created in the “current website” above did not make her justice at all. At all.

The need was evident. The budget was limited. The intention was to make it work. The Swedish saying from the legendary chef Caja Warg “you take what you have”, was put in action.

Small Business Make Over at Marina Thai MassageThe Small Business Make Over was accepted. Traditional Thai Massage with website www.BayAreaThaiMassage.com got changed to Marina Thai Massage. Photo shoot with no-one less than Steven Gregory behind the camera, and signed as posing customer. Website redesigned with a responsive and hence mobile device friendly wordpress theme. Blog set up with first blog post. Newsletter tool selected and website sign-up created. Social media properties secured, updated and website integrated. Social share functionality installed. Yelp business account applied for – still in process. Google+ listing claimed, and to be verified and updated. We are getting there.


They’re the corner stores that create jobs. The hardware stores that help build our economy. 
And the mom and pop shops whose very presence makes a neighborhood, your neighborhood.
American Express Shop Small 
Drum role please… this is the new website. Please make sure to pay Marina Thai Massage a visit if you are in the Marina neighborhood in San Francisco.  They do a wonderful job, and it is a joy to see someone care so much about her massage spa, and her customers, as Oi Little, the owner does.
AND – weather it is small business Saturday or not – if you know someone who needs help with their online presence, marketing strategy, creation and execution – please let me know. We do want to help businesses grow and be successful.
Win-win-win, for our successes!
CMDO – Chief Mission Delivery Officer
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