Case Studies
Read the case study of how social media marketing use in 2.5 months increased the twitter following by 87% and average episode listeners by 97% by engaging listeners to the new Michael E. Gerber Blog Talk Radio Show: Big Voices in Small Business.Michael E. Gerber is a true legend of entrepreneurship, Inc. Magazine called him “the World’s #1 Small Business guru”. He is co-founder of the E-Myth International and author of Business Week best seller E-Myth Revisited, The Most Successful Small Businesses in the World, and Awakening the Entrepreneur Within.
Most recently he has founded Michael E. Gerber Companies and the entrepreneurship incubator Origination – focused on awakening the new entrepreneur in you.
The case study shows that by employing the Herringbone strategies in terms of connecting, creating and communicating through the social media channels, you can create tangible results.
The Conclusion of the study claims that social media channels combined, Twitter in particular, used in a targeted fashion, with efficient tools and a compelling message has a strong impact on brand awareness and create real connections.
Read the full study here: